At the Shafer Center, we work closely with the community to bring awareness to social issues. We do this through fun and interactive ways which involve the community. Check out some of the events we have done with our community partners and check out our upcoming events so you can join!
The Shafer Center actively participates in National Crime Victims' Rights Week every year. This national event provides awareness for victims' rights and focuses on the need for a multidisciplinary community approach. Every year, The Shafer Center and other community partners and resources accept a proclamation from the mayor stating the city's full support in ensuring victim rights and calling attention and needed change towards sexual assault.
We, The Shafer Center for Crisis Intervention, support victims of crime. #CovingtonCounty #ForrestCounty #GreeneCounty #JasperCounty #JeffersonDavisCounty #JonesCounty #LamarCounty #MarionCounty #PerryCounty #SmithCounty #WayneCounty #RuralJustice
We, The Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence, support victims of crime. #RuralJustice
Upcoming Events
Here you will learn about the upcoming events we are hosting and/or participating in! If you're interested in us participating in any of your events, want to host an event, etc., please send us a message here!
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Want us at an event? Send us a message!