Training & Educational Services
We provide various free educational trainings for all kinds of groups, including: Colleges and Universities (including classes, clubs, campus organizations, teacher/staff meetings, etc.), local Police Departments, local middle schools and high schools, and other local community organizations/clubs of all ages and backgrounds.

Green Dot Training
Symbolizes a moment in time that can be used to end perpetration or support victims of violence; you can become a green dot! During power-based personal violence crimes (such as: sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, elder abuse, and bullying), bystanders are present roughly 60% of the time, yet only 15% of the time do bystanders intervene. Green Dot teaches bystander intervention strategies that help prevent and reduce power-based personal violence.
Green Dot Courses are Offered for:
Colleges and Universities
Community Organizations
The courses can be taught in either 2-hour time blocks or 4 -hour times blocks; a team of certified instructors from the Shafer Center teaches them. The courses focus on bystander intervention, recognizing the signs of someone who has been assaulted, and how to best support someone who has been sexually assaulted.

This 4-hour training educates police officers on the most up-to-date information regarding sexual assault. The course focuses on the following four topics of sexual assault:
Neurobiology of Trauma
Common Myths About Sexual Assault
Legal Aspects of Sexual Assault Laws
Preferred Methods for Interviewing Victims of Sexual Assault
If requested, the Shafer Center can combine efforts with our sister organization, Domestic Abuse Family Shelter. An additional 4-hour class on domestic violence will be presented, along with four additional CEUs.

Safe Bars
Safe Bars uses innovative bystander education strategies to empower South Mississippi area bar, restaurant, and club staff to stand up against sexual harassment and assault.
Safe Bars is a staff training that is facilitated by trainers that help facilitate a conversation among staff about which behaviors are okay and which are not, laying the groundwork for a formal and informal policy.
For Owners and Managers
Want to build customer satisfaction and loyalty? Safe Bars can help! A safe environment allows patrons to enjoy themselves - and want to return. Bar owners, managers, security personnel, and other staff are uniquely positioned to prevent sexual assault and create a safer space. You provide the employees, and we provide the training that makes your establishment a better place for both patrons and staff!